Programs / Activities
Before/After School Care
Welcome to the Before and After School Care Program at Marigny Elementary School. Our childcare program has been organized to provide supervision for Pre-Kindergarten (4 year olds) through 3rd grade students. The parent handbook is a vital part of the enrollment agreement between our program and the caregivers of the students who are enrolled in this program.
Before and After School Handbook
Registration Form
The program will provide quality childcare which caregivers can rely upon throughout the school year. The program will offer a variety of activities which can include outdoor play and activities, inside games, reading, art projects, and free play time.
Parents/Children can expect:
• A safe, supportive and consistent environment
• Fair, respectful treatment
• Nurturing care from staff members
• School expectations and discipline procedures that are fair and consistent
• Equitable access to program equipment, materials, facilities
The program expects that parents will:
• Pay fees on time according to our established schedule
• Keep the child’s emergency information up-to-date
• Pick up child on time each day
• Pay attention to any communication from the school regarding child’s progress or behavior in an effort to bring about improvement, if necessary
The program expects that students will:
• Be responsible for their actions
• Respect the school expectations that guide them during the day and while in attendance of the program
• Remain with the group and childcare staff at all times
• Take care of materials and equipment properly and return them to their place when finished
In order to assure the safety of all children, every participant in this program is expected to follow all of Marigny’s expectations, rules, and regulations. All must adhere to these rules and expectations in order to continue to participate in the program.
The parent must complete a registration form and submit it to the program director via the school.
A child may be enrolled in the program at any time during the school year, provided space available. Children must attend Pre-Kindergarten (4-year old) through 3rd grade to be eligible for enrollment. Forms can be obtained through the front office or by emailing the program director. A student must be in attendance during the school day in order to attend before or after care.
Marigny Elementary School’s Before and After Care Program will follow the same school calendar as the St. Tammany Parish Schools. Aftercare services are not provided on half days of school.
Morning Care
• 7:00 AM – 8:15 AM in Marigny’s gym
• Parent or an adult must drop off the child at the gym door and sign him/her in with the morning care staff. This is for your child’s safety.
After Care
• 3:51 PM – 6:00 PM– Parents may begin pick up from after care at 4:15. We will begin in the cafeteria with a snack and then move to the playground for recreation. (Occasionally aftercare will be held in another designated area with signs posted.)
• You or your authorized designee must inform a staff member when arriving to take a student home. Identification and authorization will be required to sign out and release students.
• If you need to reach the after care staff between 4:15-6:00 p.m., please call 985-502-7126.
After school care is not offered on school holidays, teacher development day or half days.
The program’s salaries, supplies, and administrative expenses are supported entirely by our fees. The fees are as follows:
Registration Fee $20 one-time fee
Before Care
Regular Attendees $110 per month for each child
Drop-In (Daily) $10 per day for each child and the one-time registration fee
After Care
Regular Attendees $185 per month for each child
Drop-In (Daily) $18 per day for each child and the one-time registration fee
Childcare monthly payments are due by the 1st of each month. Drop-in fees are due on the day of attendance. Payments should be made online through MyPaymentsPlus. Please retain your receipt. Timely payment of fees is necessary for continued enrollment in the program for your child. If monthly tuition is not paid by the 5th of the month, your child will not be allowed to continue in our program.
Late Fees
Child care closes promptly at 6:00 PM. A late fee of $10.00 will be charged for each 15 minutes (1 minute up to 15 minutes will be $10; 16 – 30 minutes will be $20 and so on). If you need to reach the after care staff between 4:15-6:00 p.m., please call 985-502-7126.
If your child has a known medical condition, please be sure to notify the school and the program’s staff. This information should be included on the student’s registration form.
If a child has any of the following conditions, the parent will be notified to pick up the child: contagious disease, fever over 100 F, vomiting, or diarrhea. In case of an accident or illness, parents of the child will be called immediately. In serious cases, 911 will be called and the child transported to the hospital.
If you would like your child to attend our Before or After Care Program, please complete the attached form. Please return the registration form, pay the first month’s fee, and registration fee of $20 to the school office. Registration form may be emailed to the director.
For additional information, please contact Patty Cerise (985)674-3011 (Child Care Director) or
Student Behavior and Expectations – We believe every student is responsible for helping maintain a safe, orderly and educationally efficient learning environment. We ask that you discuss with your child the importance of having a good attitude, making good choices, and using good behavior while at school. Teaching behavioral expectations through our school-wide PBIS (Positive Behavioral Intervention and Support) program and rewarding students for following the expectations is a much more positive approach than waiting for misbehavior to occur before responding.
Positive Behavioral Intervention and Support is a proven, research and evidence-based program that emphasizes school wide systems of support that include strategies for defining, teaching, modeling and supporting appropriate student behaviors to create positive school environments. We promote our PBIS program through our School Wide Expectations, the STARRIFIC 5, which are derived from the nationally known FISH Philosophy.
Our Starrific 5 School Wide Expectations are:
1. Be There
2. Be Safe
3. Be Respectful
4. Be Positive
5. Make Good Choices
Marigny has intervention practices in place that provide various opportunities for changing inappropriate behaviors to appropriate behavior. These include classroom and school wide behavior management systems. Parents will be informed of reoccurring inappropriate behaviors in the classroom and other areas around school through our Minor Incident Report. We ask for your support to assist in helping your child find appropriate replacement behaviors. Students who are continuously having a difficult time making appropriate choices and using “STARRIFIC” behavior must attend “Think Tank”. This system is set up to be a positive learning experience. It is a time when students discuss and possibly write about their choices of behavior, other possible choices they could have made and how they can handle the situation next time. If a student has two visits within a quarter, a conference will be held with a classroom teacher, student and parent. If the student returns to Think Tank a third time in a quarter, a conference will be held with a teacher, student, parent and administrator. If problems re-occur, parents will need to come in and help resolve these problems.
Our main goal for making appropriate choices is to keep everyone at school safe while learning. We will not tolerate fighting, disrespect for others, bullying, obscene language or destruction of property.
Terrific Kids
Terrific Kids is sponsored by the Northshore Kiwanis. Terrific Kids is a program that we offer that recognizes students who are working hard at setting and accomplishing goals for themselves in the area of character development and good citizenship. Teachers select one student from their class each month as their “terrific kid”. The students are recognized at Morning Meeting and at a monthly breakfast for the students and their parents.
Marigny has partnered with Northshore Kiwanis to offer our first grade students a service learning experience here at school. Students may participate in service learning projects to help our school or other needy members of our community here in St. Tammany and at times, around the world. The K Kids sponsor service events around school each month.